Jamie And Jeremy
Many, many songs were recorded by Jeremy Pavlov and Jamie Byrnes throughout the course of our friendship. I have chosen a select few here that were recorded in the living room studio in "The Apartment" in the late '90s, around '98 or so.
These songs were written in extreme haste, recorded with more haste, with very little attention to detail, usually each instrument in one take only. They were never meant to see the light of day, much less the Internet. If you are offended by extremely bad taste lyrics or extremely bad playing, you should not listen to them. Consider yourself warned...
The MP3s:
1. Canibal - Jeremy: bass; Jamie: everything else
2. Simbola - Jeremy: bass, main vox, and verse lyrics; Jamie: everything else
3. Joe Bob's Lament - Jeremy: bass, backing vox; Jamie: everything else
4. Mother - Jeremy: backing vox; Jamie: everything else
5. Touchy Feely - Jeremy: song concept/arrangement/music/programming, bass, shared vox, chorus lyrics; Jamie: everything else