My lips touched the chalice of blood that tasted not unlike water to me
I fed from the flesh of christ, a sugar wafer-thin entity
Stand/sit/kneel, now pay, now pray; this shallow dilligence daily you dole
No righted cross to weigh my neck, I keep my fantasies under control
My soul is impenitently
Burning two-fold
Turning into rock
As I cradle disdain
A wary walk with pain
A show of strength from strain
Begin my first foray...
But condemnation forthwith
A xenolith
Retains and carries me down
You stare into this timeless void
For want of change, for want of a choice
You sigh, my pointed anger builds
A well of hate that you help to fill
And as you turn and walk away
Another hardened part of me
"Don't leave me"
Another darkened artery
No more pain
From your lips the nectar of love that left an aftertaste bitter and cold
From your body the prospect of affection finds an empty bottomless hole
Do this/Do that, stay/go away; didactic nurturing signaled the start
No vessels remain intact, you put together, then tore me apart
My heart is impenetrably, freely
Beating two-fold
Bleeding to be rock