No Music Lives Here

Welcome to, my archive site for all of my music, past and present, including the defunct band "Death And Taxes", my current bands Paperbag (on hiatus) and GrouperSoup, and all side projects (including those with current and former band members, and otherwise). Eventually, this site will include digitized music, flyers, and everything else I can transform to digital format and post. This is a work in progress... --Jeremy Pavlov

Here's the list of bands and musicians I have made music with, and if possible, and related material that I can post. Click the links to browse through to songs, lyrics, etc...

  • Eclipse (Guitar/vocals, mid-'80s, Jr. High to early High School years; with Chris, Craig, Doug, and various friends though those years; evolved into Vomit)

  • Vomit (Guitar/vocals, mid/late-'80s, mid to late High School years; with Chris, Brian, Chuck, John (bass), and others; evolved into Death And Taxes)

  • Surveillance (Bass, late-'80s, late and post High School; with Froggy, Jeff, and...?)

  • J-Men Forever (Bass, late-80s, post High School; with James B. and Jeff Sanguis)

  • Death And Taxes (Guitar/vocals, early '89 to mid '96; follow link for info and songs)

  • Sanguis (Played bass with briefly, a Blondies' show, '91; co-recorded their only album plus backing shouts)

  • Unnamed band, with James of Paperbag (ongoing, covering many years)

  • Unnamed band, with Jason and Randy (Bass, late '96 & early-mid '97)

  • Unnamed band, with John and Paul of D&T (Bass/vocals, mid-late '97)

  • Eyeshow (Lent lyrics/vocals to two songs, Aug '02)

  • Theme song for local-access cable T.V. show, "Mostly Ferndale" (All me, Nov '02)

  • Wound (Lent some vocals to - and co-recorded - album "Ritual Opposition", 2003)

  • Paperbag (Bass/vocals, '99 to present)

  • GrouperSoup (Bass/vocals, early 2012 to present)

  • 5CELL (Guitar/vocals, September 2017 to present)

    Last update Wed Feb 20 20:44:34 EST 2013
    All content herein is my property, and the property of the members of the bands mentioned.